
Showing posts from December, 2022

catching up

 Need to catch up with a brief report on the last few days. Spent the 28th with my Aunt in Nashville. At 99 years young, she continues to amaze. We spent the day reminiscing & sharing family stories - always a treat. Drove back to home in Pittsburgh on the 29th. Trip was exactly what one wants - an uneventful drive, with clouds (easy on the eyes) but no rain or snow.  Will be home, so no more reports now for a while...

Long drive day

Drove almost 750 miles today from McPherson, KS, to Nashville, TN. The sunrise over the Flint Hills in eastern Kansas was just beautiful, & the sunset over southeastern Kentucky was almost as nice. Arrived at my aunt's place in Nashville just after 8PM - not too bad for such a long drive. My aunt is funny & lively at 99 years young, so tomorrow with her will be a treat. 
I've been AWOL here for a while, so have a week's worth of updates. On Monday & Tuesday, the 19th & 20th, Meredith & I drove from Wilmington, DE, to Terre Haute, IN, then on to McPherson, KS, to join son-in-law Isaac's family for Christmas.  Since Wednesday, we've been enjoying chill times here, working puzzles, watching football, & just generally having a low-key Christmas break. Several days have been unusually cold. The grandparents came for Christmas Day, & they all looked great. I'm truly blessed to have been welcomed into their family for the second Christmas in a row. Tomorrow, I'm off to Nashville to visit my aunt. 
Yesterday, the extended Hudock/Scarborough family gathered for lots of silliness.  Today was a chill day with family - coffee with cousin Aimee, then hanging with sister-in-law Josie & niece Colleen.  Tomorrow, Mer & I will drive from Wilmington, DE, to Terre Haute, IN, on the way to Kansas, so no report until Tues. 
 A lovely chill day yesterday... In the morning, we took a short hike to an overlook on the NJ side of the Delaware; both George Washington & the British used this spot to look across to PA to see the troop movements there - see pic below. The afternoon found us in Peddler's Village in Lahaska, PA, which was a a favorite of my in-laws. Mer & I have fond memories of going there with them, especially riding the carousel. Visiting carousels was a hobby for them, & they could just look at one & tell you who carved & painted it.  Dinner with two of my sisters-in-law/Mer's aunts was followed by arrival at my other sister-in-law's house, where we'll be until Mon am - always great catching up with family.          

more Christmas in NYC

Meredith & I spent another day enjoying Christmas decorations, especially the tree at Rockefeller Center, & noodling around at another Christmas Market. And the decorations at Lillie's Victorian Establishment were wonderfully over-the-top. Left the city this afternoon to overnight in central NJ. 

Christmas in NYC

Lovely day today with mah Baby Girl shopping & taking in the Christmas decorations. Then had dinner with my niece & here boyfriend - great to catch up with them. Our favorite decorations were at Hudson Yards Mall. Found a a store there, P!Q, full of wonderfully whimsical items, which might appear under someone's Christmas tree.

to NYC

On Sat, son-in-law Isaac gave his final recital, which completed his doctorate. We're all so proud of him! Afterward, Meredith came back to Pittsburgh with me, & we spent 2 days there visiting & walking down memory lane. Today, we had lunch with our dear friends near Harrisburg on our way to The Big Apple. Got parked & settled into our hotel, Pod Times Square. Everything about the place is small: the entry, the lobby, the hallways, & the room (our pod). However, it's got all of the essentials, is very conveniently located, & even has a decent view. 

Nov 21 - Dec 5

Took the trailer to North Carolina to have some cabinets built in & other small modifications, & then went on the the Outer Banks to work for 10 days. The highlight of the trip was Thanksgiving dinner with my wonderful cousins near Raleigh - a lovely low key day - just perfect.