
Showing posts from May, 2024

a beautiful drive

Drove from the Berlin/Montpellier area of VT, through northern NH, across ME, & into the southwest corner of New Brunswick. The early part of the drive was just beautiful with mountains, lakes, ponds, churches, & many spring flowers. All along, there were "moose crossing" signs, but no moose appeared.   I'm spending the night behind a farm market in the small town of St George, NB. A lovely walking trail leads from right behind my parking space, through a wetland & along a small river (pics below); looks like the water lilies will be in full bloom in a few days.                                 

a VT visit

Spent a lovely day with my cousin in Berlin, VT. Her house is nestled in the woods, just across the street from a beautiful pond, so a walk around her neighborhood is a real treat, as was dinner at a great place in Montpellier.   Can finally post pics from the last few days. My campsite in Kettletown State Park in CT... There were lots of cool insects there.                                      The pond across from my cousin's house... (It didn't photograph well, but there's a beaver lodge in there.) Some fun artwork on the side of a building in Montpellier...

an unplanned down day

Had planned to visit with family today, but that didn't work out. Spent a relaxing day ambling around the campground, pottering around the trailer, reading a bit, & enjoying the lake view from my campsite. Weather was perfect. Still can't upload pics, but will post them at some point. 

light travel day

Drove from Wilmington, DE, to Southbury, CT, a short 5 hour trip. Staying 2 nights at Kettletown State Park, a lovely little park deep in the woods & surrounding a lake.   No pics today as limited WiFi won't let me post them. Hoping for better tomorrow.

family reunion

Had about 3 dozen folks from Manny's family together here today. We're a loud & crazy group. Most of us came from parts of the East Coast, but 3 of the Texans came, as well as one from Australia. We're so blessed to have each other.

family & a fountain show

After a lovely visit with my sister-in-law early in the day, my brother-in-law, a niece & her husband arrived from Texas in time for dinner. Then we went to Longwood Gardens (outside Phila) to take in the gardens & then a fountain/lights/music show. A grand day.                                                       

Launch day

Left Pittsburgh about noon today, had an uneventful drive, & arrived at my sister-in-law's house in Wilmington, DE, about 7:00. As usual on a drive day, I relaxed & napped for an hour+ mid-afternoon.