
Showing posts from December, 2023

Happy New Year!

I'm ringing in the New Year with my aunt in Nashville. We'll celebrate by wishing each other a happy 2024 before retiring at our usual very early hour. I knew that we'd make a well-matched pair in our preference for a quiet evening when planning to be here on New Years Eve. It'a been a wonderful visit! 

time with auntie

Spent today in Nashville visiting with my Aunt Mary Louise. At 100 years old, she's still getting around, mentally sharp, & quite funny. I'm well & truly blessed to have her in my life. 


Spent today in St Louis visiting with my cousins, Tom & Keri. We enjoyed 2 home cooked meals, a tour of my trailer, & a  walk around  Old St Charles; St Charles was the first capital of Missouri & is where Lewis & Clark launched their expedition. For the evening, their children & grandson joined us. I'm blessed to have such a lovely extended family. 

drive day

Left McPherson, KS, about 11:30 this morning, & drove about 425 miles to St Louis, MO. There was light snow for the second half of the trip, but the temp stayed above freezing, & the roads were just wet; I was prepared to stop at any point if the roads got bad. Arrived at the state park here after 7pm - much later than I like - but the setup in the dark wasn't bad as there wasn't any wind & only a dusting of snow. The trailer warns up fast & is quite cozy. 

Leftover Day

Spent another day with Mer & Isaac at Isaac's parent's house. We watched football & a movie, ate leftovers (yum!), & finished another puzzle. Also, Kyle & I took the dogs for a walk. A chill day. 😊  

Merry Christmas!

Had a lovely Christmas Day with Isaac's family (my son-in-law). Other than their Kansas City Chiefs loosing their game, it was a perfect day. Besides eating way too much good food, & watching another movie, we finished another puzzle - got the pic upside down. 😊

Christmas Eve

Spent much of the day today with Isaac's parents - a very chill day. Besides family time with lots of good food, we attended a candlelight church service this eve.  Wishing you all a blessed Christmas.

family time

Spent the am at Mer & Isaac's house, which they share with 3 cats. Then went to Christi & Kyle's house for cocktails, snacks, & Christmas movies (the original Grinch, White Christmas, & Violent Night - something for everyone). We also finished the first puzzle of the visit.    Romeo, Maestro, & Aria  

arrived McPherson

Drove to McPherson, KS, today, set up the trailer, then went to Mer & Isaac's house. Mer & I went by her school, where she finished repairing a cello. We then went to a coffee shop, where a group of her students were playing a gig. Back at their house now playing with their cats.

Winter wanderings - day 2

  As I was leaving the trailer this morning, this sunrise greeted me - wow!. After picking up coffee & some assorted food items from the store where I'd camped, I found this nativity scene at the side of the store. An uneventful drive took me to an alpaca farm in Missouri, where I stayed in June; the alpacas are still adorable, & the items in the shop irresistible.   

Winter wanderings - day 1

Just got my trailer back from the shop late on Monday, so spent Tuesday repacking everything; had to remove the bed & all my clothes to have the work done, & repacked food & such after a hiatus at home. Besides getting organized to leave for 3 months this morning, I had to make a small repair on the coupler for the hitch. Fortunately, it was something so simple that even I could figure it out, & no fancy parts were needed. Finally launched about noon.  Needed to stop back in the shop in Columbus, Ohio, to pick up some items they forgot to put back in the trailer on Monday, then continued west on I-70 to the Ohio/Indiana border. Staying in the parking lot of this place, where I'll shop a bit in the morning.