Today, I drove from Fargo, ND, to Billings, MT, & found the day pretty interesting.

While finishing breakfast at 6:30, a tv show devoted strictly to local agricultural issues came on - huh, who knew that such a thing exists?

Then, while driving westward, I experienced the longest sunrise in my memory. There was a big bank of clouds along the eastern/southeastern horizon, but it was clear above & to the west. For nearly 2 hours, the sun kept poking through the clouds in little shafts here & there, but overall the landscape was in the shadow of the clouds, until the sun finally rose up over the cloud bank; it was beginning to feel like the day would never start.

Outside of New Salem, ND, was a huge cow, a sort of town mascot, just hanging out on a ridge.

A little further along the interstate was what was billed as the world's largest metal sculpture - a number of birds on something that reminded me of a giant dream catcher. I love such roadside attractions.

Theodore Rosevelt National Park has many great spots, which Manny & I explored together years ago. Today, I just made two brief stops, the first at this overlook.

Now, at this stop, most folks would be taking in the scenery, or maybe the grazing horses, but I was there for the prairie dogs. These little guys have always intrigued me.


  1. I also love praise dogs. So glad your journey is going well.


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