A beautiful day here in Washington, though rather chilly. Spent the day figuring out most of the systems for the trailer & checking to be sure that I got what was ordered. There's a fair amount to learn & remember as most everything runs on 2 different kinds of power or has 2 different water sources. This is handy as everything runs with or without hookups, which will allow me to pull up anywhere & camp. My brain is pretty fried, but it looks like I got what I wanted & most everything works - still have to figure out a couple of things tomorrow. Thank goodness for YouTube videos!


  1. It's super cute! Hope to see pics of the inside too!

    1. Well, the inside is only half finished, as I want to have parts of it completed in a unique way that will work better for me - one person traveling for long periods rather than the more usual couple going for shorter spans. But will try to get some pics at some point. -- Lorraine

  2. I love your camper and look forward to seeing it in person.
    Are you still working with the manufacturer in person? If yes, I would suggest recording or videoing their comments.


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