Had the trailer brakes worked on this morning. They aren't really fixed, but good enough to drive home with. 

My original destination for this evening had me driving 260 miles, but it is predicted to go down to 20* there tonight.  I didn't want to drain all my tanks for one night, so pushed on another 80 miles to the lowlands where predicted low is 30*. That's no problem as I'm dry camping (no electrical or water hookups) tonight anyway. I scored a beautiful campsite on the banks of the Snake River on the border of Oregon & Idaho (town of Ontario, OR). Well, it's beautiful if you look one way. Turn around, & I'm actually in a Walmart parking lot. Hey, if it's good enough for a Supreme Court Justice (Thomas), it's good enough for me! Very convenient to just stop, shop, eat, sleep, & shove off early in the am. Minimal "camp" to set up & take down, & the price is right. 

Had a weird thing happen at a gas stop this afternoon. When I went to restart the car, it wouldn't start, & the message on the dash said "no key detected". Well, the key was right there. Called the local Ford dealership. Guy asked, "Are you at the Chevron by the Interstate exit?" Well, yes...but how did he know that? Figured I'd entered the Twilight Zone. He talked me through lifting the cup holder, & putting the key fob in a hidden hole under there, & truck started right up. Whaaaaat? He says he gets a call like that about once a week. According to him, there's something at that spot that interferes with the bluetooth connection between the truck & the key fob. Uh-huh. I'm sticking with the Twilight Zone theory - sounds more likely. 

Had never driven through eastern Oregon, & it did not disappoint. 

south central Washington

north eastern Oregon


  1. I like the “twilight zone” theory myself. That would have freaked me out. Pictures are great.


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