Welp, today didn't go exactly to plan. After having the trailer brakes adjusted yesterday, my mileage was terrible, even accounting for towing. A friend from the Escape forum explained how I could check that they were good or too tight, & one of them is definitely too tight. The earliest appointment available to have that readjusted is Monday am, so my stay here has been extended until then; the plan had been to drive some every day until reaching home. Ah, well, at least it was a beautiful day for a long walk around the campground, eating a leisurely meal out, driving up to an overlook & getting a few things at Walmart. A bit of snow predicted for tonight, & well below freezing temps likely tomorrow night, so I brought in my water line, & will use what's in the tank.   

A red maple by the river in the campground

View from a nearby drive. East of the Cascade Mountains, Washington is very dry, except in the river valleys, where apples & grapes are grown. When we drove through in 1978, we mostly saw apples, but now it seems like there are almost as many vineyards as orchards.


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