bit of a weird day

 The propane detector in the trailer went off 3 times last evening when the trailer was closed up with the AC on. Most of the trip, I've had the windows open. So, this morning, I dealt with that. This is the second person who evaluated it & assured me that there isn't a leak. The consensus seems to be that it's off-gassing from the adhesives & such used in construction. So, I'll carry on with the windows open. 

After noon, I drove most of the way to the northern end of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range. It turned out to be further than I'd planned, & a storm blew in when I was getting close. I'd been told not to go in when the roads are wet as they are red clay & a real mess when wet.  So, I turned around.

Hence, I just took a few landscape shots. The first one has a windmill support on the left side & the mountain is Pryor Mountain, where I was headed. 

Back in camp, I made 2 big batches of food & froze a bunch of meals for the next few weeks. Now, it's raining...the most rain all trip, which means it's lasted more than 15 minutes, but won't last too long. 


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