Helena, MT

 Ran into a traffic jam on the way out of the national forest this morning. 

Near Helena, I took a boat tour to the "Gates of the Mountains", so named by Meriwether Lewis. The cliffs surround a narrow section of the Missouri River.

At the to far end of our tour, we arrived at the prairie east of the Rockies. 

Coming back up, we see the view that Meriwether Lewis saw. When approached a bit to the left of where this pic was shot, the cliff on the left side covers the opening (gate closed), such that it looks like the river doesn't go through, but when we moved to the middle of the river here, the opening appears (gate opened). It was a cool effect.

Then I toured the Montana State Capitol. The statue is of the first woman ever elected to the US Congress. A Republican, she was elected in 1916 before women in most states could even vote.

The wire underneath the seats in the house chamber is for the man seated there to stow his cowboy hat. I often don't like spaces as busy & elaborates the rotunda, but it struck me as quite stunning.


  1. Stunning interior! Such a surprise.
    Despite first traffic jam.


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