visiting in Kansas

Spent today visiting peeps. In Hutchinson, I first had lunch with Grandma & Grandpa Hopkins (Mer's grandparents-in-law), & then Mer showed me around one of her schools. Hutchinson High School has wonderful facilities, & the music wing alone includes a large stage & workshop, practice rooms & a large room each for choir, orchestra & band, along with an office for each teacher - wow! It was lovely to meet her 3 main co-workers. Mer teaches 2 orchestras there each morning, & then travels to 3 elementary schools each afternoon to teach beginning orchestra to 6th graders. Hutchinson is a big enough town to have all the services one would want, but small enough to feel like a town rather than a city. 

After driving to McPherson, we stopped at Mer & Isaacs's house, & then at my trailer before having dinner at Kyle & Christi's house (Isaac's parents). With 3 music teachers & 1 college administrator, there may have been a lot of talk around teaching & college recruiting - interesting, but I didn't follow all of it. 


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