the RV resort

Took a spin around the RV resort where I'm staying for 2 nights. It's VERY different than my usual basic campground, state park, or boon docking site. Many of the rigs here are amazing - it's surprising that they let me in with my little rig.

This big boy is called a Super C class motorhome.


I'm seeing more of these; they look like horse trailers made into custom travel trailers. Would love to see inside one. 

These folks must be hauling something quite heavy in this trailer to need this truck, or else they're just into the cool factor. 



Had planned to go exploring today in Palm Springs today, but when returning from my am walk, a neighbor had a crew washing & waxing his RV. My trailer desperately needed a wash & wax, so I engaged them to do it, & I did some laundry too. Was getting a bit late to do too much exploring by the time they left, so I just pottered around here after that. The sun & 75* made it easy to be lazy. 

My clean trailer...


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