Chiricahua National Monument

The Chiricahua Mountains south of the Monument in the Coronado National Forest are snow-covered now, & the road over the mountains is closed due to snow & ice.

The main thing folks come here for is the cool geological formations. An 8-mile road & a number of trails wind through them. The neon green on the rocks in one pic is lichen. 


Though the geology & scenery are usually the highlight here, the coolest part today was the wildlife. I saw a group of 4 Arizona white-tailed deer. They are smaller & lighter in color than those we have at home, which allows them to blend well with the dried grass here. Couldn't get a good pic of them. 

Coatimundi, a member of the raccoon family, are described as elusive, but they weren't today. I saw a big group of at least 17 of them & later a smaller group of 7. Fantastic!





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