Gros Morne: a rainy day

The main event today was supposed to be a boat tour on Western Brook Pond. After hiking a windy rainy 3K in to the boat dock, the tour was cancelled due to the high winds. It's rescheduled for tomorrow, so I'll report on all things Western Brook Pond then. 

Gros Morne is "The National Park" in NL. There are a couple of stunning national parks in Labrador, but they are extremely remote, so rarely visited. And there is Terra Nova here in Newfoundland, which I'll visit in a few weeks. But, Gros Morne is the one folks know, & most folks who make it to NL, come to Gros Morne. I'll visit & report on the famous spots soon, but today I just explored a bit of the northern coastal areas. In the second pic is the top of one of the red chairs that i mentioned in a previous post. Some folks keep a record of all of the red chairs they find, similar to a lifetime bird list kept by serious birders. 

It was real Newfie weather today with both high winds & drizzle mixed with a few real rain showers. After some hours of ducking in & out of the weather & walking in it, I saw this sign, & went in for some lobster. At the end of the lobster season each year, this church has lobster dinners for 3 days over the weekend. It's much like church fundraisers at home with members baking up all kinds of goodies. The salad bar in a boat with a stuffed lobster on front was especially fun.


Since I don't have many pics to share today, here's one from yesterday. Besides remembering the glorious sunshine, the bench is also an excuse to note a common site here in NL; there are benches similar to this in all kinds of odd spots, not the kind of scenic place like this where a town might put one, but just randomly along a roadside - interesting? 


And a bit of Labrador trivia: along the coast, if one is heading south, one is "going up the coast", & when heading north, one is "going down the shore". The very sharp lady who told be about this couldn't explain why this is. 


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