more French Shore

When leaving the campground this morning, the dad of the fox family turned up. A bit of sunshine warmed up this picnic table, & he was taking advantage of it. It's very quiet here as I'm the only one staying right now; this spot is pretty far off the beaten track, even by Newfoundland standards.

165 steps took me up to a platform overlooking the town of Conche & the 2 bays around it. 

Okay, they are WAY off in the distance, but it was a 2 iceberg day. According to, yes, it's a real thing, these are medium-sized icebergs. 

A few shots from around the town of Conche...

A locally famous plane crash...

I took a short but steep walk up to lookout over the ocean, but everything up there was fogged in. I did find this info board at the trailhead interesting. 

Some small local history museums are underwhelming, some are wonderful little treasures, & then there's this one, The French Shore Interpretation Centre - wow! The room on local history was extremely well done, the exhibit on mat making was quite nice, & then there's the tapestry; even having seen it & read the history of it, I still can't quite believe that this amazing project was put together in this out-of-the-way town of 150 people - fantastic! Just the stitching, which was done here by locals, took 20,000 hours to complete. 




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