Elliston: puffins & root cellars

From yesterday: 

Saw a fox along the roadside this morning who seemed quite used to jogging alongside cars.  

There have been almost no horses or cows anywhere in NL until today. The first 2 pics were taken in a large community grazing area, & the second 2 were in yards. Not sure why there's more livestock here on Cape Bonavista. 

This area has many sea stacks, & a collapsed sea cave called The Dungeon.



In Elliston, I quite enjoyed the beautiful Sealers Interpretation Centre. When reading a roadside plaque, I saw this cute church & then saw a couple of uniformed "Mounties"/Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers helping to carry in a coffin.


Elliston is know for 2 things: puffins & root cellars. There are lots of puffins elsewhere, but here you can get very close to an offshore nesting site. Puffins are a theme everywhere around town.



Likewise, root cellars are found all around the province, but they are ubiquitous here.


The coastline near the puffins is quite scenic...


...as is the nearby Spillars Cove area. 




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