back in PA

My drive today brought me across the border into PA. 

I'm spending the night on a reindeer farm, which is most interesting. At this location (they have 2 farms), they have a male & 4 females now being kept in a separate area & left alone in hopes that they will make babies. There are 2 males, one about 3 years old & one about 5 months old, that we got to visit. 

Besides the reindeer, there are 20 guinea hens kept in the same pasture, 2 cats that roam around, & 2 big dogs that are penned between the pasture fence & an outer fence. Reindeer don't have any immunity to all the stuff that lives this far south, so the dogs keep away the big animals, the cats hunt the small critters, & the guinea hens eat the insects. Before entering the pasture, we stepped in pans of disinfectant to kill whatever was on our shoes. 



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