main day of rally

So, what do we do at a fiberglass trailer rally?

First we gather for morning coffee & breakfast treats. 


Then we begin the "Blue Tarp Event"; a blue tarp is put out on the ground for the day, & anyone who has anything they don't want goes on the tarp. If you see something on the tarp you want, you take it. Many of the items are camping related, but today there were a bunch of lilies from someone's garden potted up. (No pics of the blue tarp.) 

Next up is the dog parade - costumes optional. 



During the afternoon, anyone willing to let folks look inside their trailer puts a balloon out on their site  post. I had a steady stream of folks in my trailer as it is the most extensively modified one most have seen. 

This evening, we went to a local brewery for dinner. 

Afterward, there was a movie in the amphitheater & several campfires to choose from, but some of us turned in early. 


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