Awoke early today & got on the road before 7AM, just as sleet was beginning to fall. I soon got out ahead of the rain & clouds, but 40-45mph wind gusts lasted for more than half of the drive. Much of the scenery was pretty drab, but a few spots called me to get out & snap a pic. Southern Wyoming is much less scenic than the northern areas, & some stretches seemed to be too barren even for a few cows. 

My plan was to stop around Cheyenne, but forecast was for very cold temps overnight in southern Wyoming & western Nebraska, so I drove just over 600 miles to get to Kearney, NB, & slightly warmer temps. Much of western Nebraska was blanketed in fog, & where the temps were around freezing, the fog was freezing on the trees looking like snow.

But then the temperature rose very quickly, & it was 70* when I got to the Cabela's in Kearney, where I'm dry camping in their parking lot. 


  1. 600 miles in a day with 40 mile wind gusts? Baptism by fire!
    Kathy S


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